Standards and Guidelines
Standards and Guidelines
StatsDW was developed based on international standards, such as:
Common Statistical Production Architecture (CSPA)
CSPA is a reference architecture for the statistical industry, which has been developed and peer reviewed by the international statistical community. CSPA shall be the standard when developing StatsDW Phase II where it will cover the business architecture, information architecture and application architecture for StatsDW. The development of StatsDW Phase II will refer to CSPA as it:
- Covers statistical production across the processes defined by the GSBPM, which is currently adopted by DOSM.
- Provides a practical link between statistical conceptual standards – the Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM) and the GSBPM and statistical production.
- Includes application architecture and associated principles for the delivery of statistical services.
- Includes technology architecture and principles – limited to the delivery of statistical services.
- Does not prescribe technology environments of statistical organizations.
Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM)
GSBPM is to provide a basis for DOSM on the standard terminology in developing statistical metadata systems and processes for the development of StatsDW Phase II. The GSBPM framework will be used to describe and define the set of business processes needed to produce official statistics for StatsDW and providing a framework for process quality assessment and improvement.
The GSBPM is intended to be apply to all activities undertaken by StatsDW stakeholders, from specifying data needs, data collection, data management and data transformation which result in data outputs. GSBPM is designed to be independent of the data source, so it can be used for the description and quality assessment of processes based on surveys, censuses, administrative records and other non-statistical or mixed sources that is required by DOSM.
Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX)
SDMX will provide a metamodel for describing data in StatsDW Phase II that aims at standardising and modernising the mechanisms and processes for the exchange of statistical data and metadata among other agencies. It also standardizes the formats, structures and coding of data and metadata, as well as data exchange processes. As a result, it will greatly facilitate data exchange and consolidation of data from multiple sources.
SDMX supports many statistical activities and the processes supporting these activities in StatsDW which includes:
- Data collection – data registration and data retrieval, data validation
- Data reporting and data mapping
- Data dissemination – data discovery, data query, data portal
- Structural metadata repository for metadata management, persistence, query and retrieval
- Reference metadata reporting and dissemination, and linking metadata to data points